Whole school sessions are held at various times throughout the year to explicitly inform parents of curriculum content and direction.
Communications between school and home
We encourage efficient two way communication with all parents, carers and the community and have an ‘open door’ policy when possible. However, except in exceptional situations you should make an appointment to see a teacher or management. Teachers have preparation to do prior to the commencement of the school day and may have a range of other appointments after school.
The school has telephone and email options as well for contact purposes and inquiries. Email admin@riverviewss.eq.edu.au. You may also communicate with your teachers using email, please check first with your child’s teacher.
A newsletter is produced twice a term to keep parents and carers up to date on developments and achievements within the school and to provide information on classroom information, up coming events, student celebrations, staff changes and other important information for the community. In line with the Department of Education and Training policy, we are an environmentally friendly school and we offer parents/guardians/community members the opportunity to receive the newsletter electronically via email, download from the website or sent home as a hard copy.
Report cards
End of semester report cards are collated by teachers to inform parents and carers of each child’s progress. All curriculum areas are reported on, with overall comments assisting parents to understand the progress their child is making. At this time parents are offered the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher, in a parent/teacher interview.